Assassin's Creed 5 Set During the Industrial Revolution in England?
according to
The next Assassins Creed game might take place in England or Russia, according to a report from Gaming Bolt. This news comes right after Ubisoft Producer Jade Raymond dismissed all rumours saying that the series would be going to Japan in the next instalment.
Recently, Uproxx picked up a press release, which indicates that the game might be set in the industrial revolution in England, also adding that the game is a next-gen exclusive that's slated for a release this year.
Have a look at an excerpt from the release below.
"In the events of the ongoing Industrial Revolution, Assassin's Creed V follows the story of Samuel Fey, as he enters the Assassin Order in a time of change and Templar rule.
"Fey is a successful and respectful entrepreneur, who works outside the corrupt law to guarantee the security of his own and others' futures. Taking place during the closing years of the Industrial Revolution in Victorian London, players will explore all new locales as they uncover the truth behind the hidden ongoing rebellion.
"Assassin's Creed V is the turning point for the franchise, featuring completely revised stealth and combat mechanics, powered by the next-generation Ubisoft AnvilX engine and all-new gameplay features and systems. While Assassin's Creed acts as Ubisoft's rescope for the franchise, it maintains the key touch points that the series is built upon."
Since this is an unconfirmed rumour, it should be taken with a grain of salt.
Up next, GameNGuide points out that "rumours swirl around coded messages that Ubisoft has been sending out themselves via their AC Initiates Twitter page." One Tweet supposedly contained numbers that turned out to be coordinates to Barguzin, Russia.
Russia seems to be a plausible setting for a game based on "Assassin's Creed: The Fall" comic book series that follows the story of Nikolai Orelov, the famous Russian Assassin, during the 1880s.
Do you have any ideas on what locations the next AC game might be set in? Let us know below in the comment.
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